Tweet Pint it Share E-books or online books are gaining immense popularity due to a wide range of features. Convenience is one of the major advantages of using online book stores. Majority of the e-books can be searched and downloaded online within a few minutes. Another significant benefit of online book stores is its affordable price rate. Most of the e-books are sold at cheap price rates and even given away for free. It is easy to find good quality online books at reasonable price rates which are quite rare in the case of traditional books. There are a large number of online books on different subjects which are quite easy to find. Majority of the traditional books are published if there is a substantial market for it. Readers can easily find online books on different and unusual subjects quite easily. Moreover, it is quite easy to find online books once it is created. Traditional books tend to be unavailable after a period of time or the book shops have only a limited edition of books. So it is easier to find and read online books in comparison to the traditional books. Today most people prefer to use online book stores as it is eco-friendly in many ways. E-books hardly require paper and ink for its...
Read MoreTweet Pint it Share Are you new to the concept of a Book Café? Well you needn’t worry as with this write up you’ll be able to know what it is. Definition: It is a genre of café based on the theme of books which will also provide you with an ambience which is relaxed. There may also be a casual dining space based on an extensive cosmopolitan menu. This menu will reflect the modern dietary trends. Advantages of a Book Café: When you enter a book café, you will be able to experience value-for-time amidst modern as well as comfortable settings. As a customer you will also be able to browse through any of the several hundred local as well as foreign books, magazines and newspapers which will be available there. It is in a book café where you will be able to refuel yourself while getting lost in the City of Books. You can also get to drink and savor freshly made organic tea and also the in house-roasted coffee while you browse yourself in books from their vast store of shelves. You can also enjoy an exotic array of food options made fresh daily. Those of you wish to do their reading online will be able to plug in and reap the benefits of the café’s free WI-fi. You will also be able to get the facilities of free Internet access, electrical power-points, easy street-side parking exactly in front of the café and also the all-day breakfast. So by now you would have understood the meaning, advantages and the concept behind a book café....
Read MoreTweet Pint it Share The growth and advances of technology has made things easier. In today’s busy life the value of internet cannot be neglected. People are leading such a busy life that they find it very hard to do other activities like – reading books, maintaining hobbies etc. There are a number of websites that help the users in developing one or the other activity. We can buy almost all the products like – books, clothes, food products, etc. on the internet. Online book stores are one of the most convenient things available on the internet. Book lovers can find a variety of books, magazines, novels, story books and many other things. In short, online book stores have made shopping much easier and are encouraging the habit of reading amongst users. is a paradise for book lovers, where you can find a variety of books to choose from. With the help of these online book stores, you can get information about the new books that are being released. You can also check the books title of your favorite authors. Another benefit of these online book stores is that you can buy and sell books. You can buy books at reasonable prices. Similarly, you can sell them at good prices. Hence, these online book stores are very beneficial for buyers as well as sellers. You can find any type of book you want in an online book store. The popularity of online book cafes is increasing day by day. If you are looking for a fiction book, you can browse it easily by goingto the fiction category. You will be provided with the list of books available under the category. You can make a search in the same way for other categories also. Some people think that buying books in this way may be unsecured. The people may feel unsecured about the confidentiality of their personal as well as bank account details. But, one need not have to worry about this, as the online book stores are highly protected and guarantees safe transaction.These sites offer genuine transaction facility and help the users in buying the book of their choice in a most convenient way.In this way, online book...
Read MoreTweet Pint it Share As a growing number of people are buying their books online, it is important to understand the features you should look for in an online bookstore. An online bookstore is expected to be a comprehensive website with a user-friendly interface besides having a large selection of books, a variety of payment options, excellent customer support and a robust return policy. For any online store, the most important criterion is a website that is easy to use so that customers can get their shopping done easily and without hassle. The large number of books on offer should be properly organised into categories and sub-categories so that the site remains easy to navigate and users are able to locate the book of their choice with a minimal number of mouse clicks. The speed of the website is another important factor that influences customer satisfaction. A good selection of books is critical to an online bookstore. An online bookstore is expected to have a collection of books from all genres. It is imperative that all the latest bestsellers are made available as these are the ones most users will look for. Other merchandise like CDs and DVDs also need to be made available. There are users who look for books that are not readily available. Such users also need to be catered to. Free shipping is something that customers have come to expect. The time required to deliver the order should be kept at a minimum and customers need to be updated about the expected time of delivery during the order itself. Customers should be provided with all possible payment options. Most online stores offer the option to pay using credit and debit cards and electronic fund transfer. Online stores are beginning to understand the importance of payment on delivery and a large number of them have started providing this facility as well. The importance of customer support cannot be over-emphasised. Customers should have access to a wide variety of contact methods. In addition to this, an FAQ section helps users find answers the queries without having to call or email someone from the bookstore. Finally, a robust return policy is also essential. Most successful online stores provide...
Read MoreTweet Pint it Share The popularity of online bookstores is increasing by the day. Online stores typically offer their books at lower prices and customers are able to make the purchase from the comfort of their homes. Online bookstores also offer customer reviews which reveal more about the book than a quick glance of its contents. Online bookstores are able to sell their wares at reduced prices as they are not required to rent a prime location space for the store. Furthermore, they sometimes do not always physically store the products but simply forward the orders to the publishers or wholesalers. Physical brick-and-mortar bookstores are limited by space and budget, but online bookstores face none of these restrictions. As there are several online stores selling books, the customer has the option of comparing the price of a book across the stores. This is another reason for the competitive pricing. In an effort to outdo each other, stores offer attractive discounts and offer free shipping if a customer’s order exceeds a certain amount. Another reason for the popularity of online bookstores is the convenience they offer. Any book you are looking for is just a few clicks away. You can buy books while relaxing in your pyjamas on your couch at 3 in the morning! You can browse through as many books as you like without pushy salespersons trying to force you into making a purchase. Unlike some of the other commodities, when you are buying a book online you don’t need to touch or feel the book to make sure it is a good purchase. In far flung areas a bookstore may be several miles away and getting to one can take hours. No such challenges are there with an online bookstore. The only possible drawback, regarding an online purchase, is that you may have to wait for some days before the book is delivered. Online bookstores generally allow users to post reviews and feedback. A new customer is, therefore, able to read the reviews and then decide on a purchase. The customer thus has greater confidence in his purchase. When looking to make an online purchase, you would be well advised to pick a website that has generally...
Read MoreTweet Pint it Share Online bookstores like provide user reviews for all their titles. Users often read these reviews before deciding on a purchase. A collection of reviews eventually can be the single most important factor that makes them to click ‘buy’ button. Even if someone is looking for a specific book, he would often read the reviews to validate the quality of the book. Online stores actually actively encourage such reviews so that users are able to have greater confidence in their purchases. Reviews are important for nonfiction books, where buyers compare several books on a topic. Besides offering information about the books, these reviews focus on their positives and negatives, from the perspective of the customer. The reviews generate a great deal of information such as – the quality of the book, cost and shipping time. Customers can compare prices and offers from several bookstores and choose the one that is best for them as many online bookstores promote their products through attractive offers and reduced prices. Reviews also help the customer to understand the product better and get a fairly good idea about what to expect even before the purchase is made. Reviews help the customer make an informed decision by sharing both the negative and positive features of the book they intend to purchase. It is not just customers who benefit from the reviews. Since a lot of customers read reviews before making a purchase, the reviews serve as useful tools that online bookstores use to make their products stand out from the competition. While some bookstores are afraid of getting negative reviews, others believe that getting only positive reviews will affect the authenticity of the reviews. Negative comments are dealt with by clarifying the situation so that potential customers can make a buying decision based on facts as opposed to biases. However, not all reviews are genuine. Supporters of the author may post positive reviews on important online bookstores to influence sales. To overcome such a situation, online bookstores try to get as many reviews as possible for a title. They also monitor the reviews. Checks are performed to ensure that there is a connection between the reviews and the amount of sales...
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